Are you ready to step into a world where science fiction becomes reality? 1X Technologies is doing exactly that, transforming the way we see robots and artificial intelligence (AI). In their latest venture, they’ve created something truly groundbreaking – autonomous androids that can learn and perform tasks by mimicking humanRead More →

This certification builds on the skills learned in Level 1 and the pedagogical knowledge gained through Level 2 (both of which are recommended but not required for the Certified Trainer qualification), combining them with the development of training and leadership skills. Topics covered during the self-paced units are: These unitsRead More →

Google Classroom is arguably the most widely used platform for online learning and communication between teachers and students. To make the platform even more functional and user-friendly, Google has now introduced in-line replies for email notifications. This means that teachers and students can easily stay on top of their communicationRead More →

360 Degree Safe is a free, award-winning online safety self-review tool for schools. It has been developed to allow those responsible for online safety within a school or trust to gain a complete provision of their online safety policy and practice. It is divided into four main sections: Within theRead More →

This certification builds on the skills learned in the Level 1 certification and moves into advanced technology integration. Just like Level 1, this certification also has a corresponding Advanced Training course which is highly recommended to increase the chances of passing the exam. Advanced Training is also self-paced and requiresRead More →

This is the fundamentals level certification and focuses very much on proficiency in Google for Education products. In addition to product knowledge, you will be expected to also have an understanding of the Google for Education ethos and vision as these aspects do come into the exam. It is highlyRead More →

The Met Office has an array of free resources to help pupils discover maths, science and more through weather and climate.  All of the resources are curriculum-linked and will help pupils to understand the effects of weather and climate on their community, either as a one-off activity or as partRead More →

There are so many benefits to using pictures in the classroom.  This collection of exciting pictures will help to stimulate the imagination and promote creativity.  They help students, who are often reluctant writers, to engage in a discussion about the picture and share their ideas. Teachers can use them asRead More →