Google Educator Level 1

This is the fundamentals level certification and focuses very much on proficiency in Google for Education products. In addition to product knowledge, you will be expected to also have an understanding of the Google for Education ethos and vision as these aspects do come into the exam. It is highly recommended to undertake the Google Fundamentals Training which correlates with the Level 1 examination. Google Fundamentals is a self-paced training course that is divided into the following topics:

  • Get Ready to Use Technology in the Classroom
  • Expand Your Access to Help and Learning
  • Have a (Mostly) Paperless Classroom
  • Save Time Communicating
  • Organise Activities for Yourself and Others
  • Bring Meetings Online
  • Bring Student Work Online
  • Measure, Understand and Share Student Growth
  • Teach Students Online Skills
  • Build Interactive Lessons
  • Captivate Your Class with Video
  • Facilitate Group Work
  • Promote Digital Citizenship and Positive Online Behaviour

The Google Fundamentals training can be accessed here:

The Google Educator Level 1 Exam is valid for 3 years, costs $10, and requires up to 3 hours in one sitting to take. You can register here to take the exam online at a time of your choosing:

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