The Naace Self-Review Framework (SRF) was first developed over 20 years ago as a collaboration between Naace, Becta, Ofsted and other partners. It has established itself as the most commonly used technology review framework with over 16,000 schools having used it.
Schools using the SRF are able to assess their performance across six main elements:
- Leadership
- Teaching and Learning with Technology
- Assessing Digital Capability
- Digital Safeguarding
- Professional Development
- Resources
Each of these elements is further divided into aspects, which operate as a maturity model, requiring schools to pick the statement(s) that most closely match their own position. Levels are on a scale of 1-4 with 1 being the highest, 4 being the lowest, and 2 being the level which is required in order to achieve the Naacemark award – to achieve this, level 2 needs to be assessed across all aspects.
You can use the Naace SRF for free by downloading the PDFs, however the online version provides additional functionality and allows a school to apply for the Naacemark.
Find out more, download the PDFs and sign up for the online tool here:
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