Diffit for Teachers lets you generate printable or digital resources on many topics which can be altered for different levels and can generate ideas for class engagement. It is AI generated content, so will always need to be checked first, but it quickly generates resources in many formats ready forRead More →

Introducing Figure’s new robot – it is something to behold! The robotics world is abuzz with excitement as Figure, a leading company in the field, unveils its latest creation. This new robot isn’t just another machine; it’s a game-changer set to redefine how we think about automation. So, what’s soRead More →

Wassily Kandinsky was a Russian artists who experienced sounds as colours and colours as sounds! Chrome Music Lab as a beautiful experiment where students can simply draw a shape on the screen to hear corresponding sounds. The triangles will be rendered as percussion sounds and the lines, dots and circlesRead More →

AI image generation in Padlet really let’s your imagination soar! If you haven’t yet used Padlet in your teaching, it really is an amazing tool that can be used in so many ways. Basically, Padlet is a digital notice board that can be shared with students who can then collaborateRead More →