Is time to review your schools provision of online-safety?

360 Degree Safe is a free, award-winning online safety self-review tool for schools.

It has been developed to allow those responsible for online safety within a school or trust to gain a complete provision of their online safety policy and practice. It is divided into four main sections:

  1. Policy and Leadership – Vision and Strategy for Online Safety
  2. Education – Curriculum and Training
  3. Technology – Security of Systems, Users and Data
  4. Outcomes – The Impact of the School’s Policy and Practice

Within the tool there are a number of resources to help you including policy templates such as Acceptable Use Agreement, Mobile Technologies (inc BYO) Policy, and Social Media Policy which you are free to download in Word format and adapt to your own organisational needs.

The tool leads to a number of accreditations and certifications. Schools can gain a Certificate of Commitment by signing up to take part in the 360 Degree Safe process, moving on to a Certificate of Progress when they have completed at least two elements of the review. Once a school has met the benchmark level for every aspect in the tool they are ready to apply for the Online Safety Mark.

In addition to the free online tool, there is a PDF version which can be freely distributed

You can find out more info at the 360 Degree Safe website –

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