Have you ever wondered why we learn maths? This interesting article explores why we teach math the way we do: “Why these topics? Why in this order? Why in this way?” Houman Harouni, who teaches at Harvard University believes history may offer us the best answer to these questions. HarouniRead More →

The Experience AI Challenge invites young people aged up to 18 to design and make their own AI applications. They will learn how to make a machine learning (ML) classifier that organises data types into different groupings that you specify. All the resources and support you need is made freelyRead More →

Machine Learning for Kids is a free tool that introduces machine learning (ML) by providing hands-on experiences for training systems and building things with them. It is so easy to use and there is a ton of support for both you and your students. Students will learn train machine learningRead More →

You can join Adobe Education Exchange for free and gain access to thousands of great creative resources. Resources are available for Primary, Secondary and Higher Education and cover all subjects. Here’s an example of some of the resources available: You can brown by subject, grade level, and product to findRead More →

Are you ready to step into a world where science fiction becomes reality? 1X Technologies is doing exactly that, transforming the way we see robots and artificial intelligence (AI). In their latest venture, they’ve created something truly groundbreaking – autonomous androids that can learn and perform tasks by mimicking humanRead More →

The Mars Challenge secondary school resources are a set of “unplugged” computing resources, aimed at students aged 11 to 14 years old.  The resources are set in the context of the European Space Agency ExoMars mission, which includes the launch and operation of the Rosalind Franklin rover to the surface of Mars. Instruction sets, flowcharts,Read More →

The NSPCC has announced a new partnership with Common Sense Media to support online safety and understand the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on children. The partnership aims to: You can find out more by visiting the NSPCC website. For more information on the potential harms and concerns surrounding AIRead More →