Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert (MIEE)

The MIEE badge is designed for educators* who are striving to find new ways to engage their students and colleagues. It provides the opportunity to join a professional learning community of global educators who are constantly pushing the boundaries of what a classroom looks and feels like. 

Image Credit: Microsoft

MIE Experts share their learning with colleagues and other educators through local training programs in their own school systems, presentations at conferences, blogs, social channels, and more. 

MIE Experts are selected by the regional Microsoft representative based on the quality of the responses to a self-nomination form, the level of innovation and use of Microsoft tools described in the learning activity and the level of detail in how becoming a part of the program will impact both teaching and student learning.

* An educator can be a classroom teacher, a school leader, a professional learning specialist/trainer, a teaching assistant, a curriculum specialist, or anyone who impacts teaching and learning in their role.

  • Suitable for: primary and secondary teachers, schools leaders
  • Prerequisites: Microsoft Educator and Microsoft Advanced Educator badges
  • Time to complete: Varies – you collect and submit evidence of the impact of your work
  • Cost: £0

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