Microsoft Advanced Educator (MAE)

Once you have earned the Educator badge and are ready to go deeper into Microsoft tools in teaching and learning, successful completion of two learning paths will unlock the Advanced Educator badge. 

Image Credit: Microsoft

Begin with the learning path ‘Master Microsoft Teams’ to experience all the toolsets and features that Teams has for supporting an inclusive and accessible learning environment. Then complete the ‘21st Century Learning Design’ learning path to learn how skills such as collaboration, self-regulation, skilled communication, problem solving, knowledge construction and the use of ICT for learning can be embedded into lessons to ensure that students are successful in their future roles. 

This is an annual badge and there will be new criteria each year for educators and school leaders to renew their annual Microsoft Advanced Educator badge.

Suitable for: primary and secondary teachers, school leaders
Prerequisites: Microsoft Educator badge
Time to complete: 12 hours
Cost: £0

To be awarded this badge

  1. Log in to Microsoft Learn (
  2. Ensure you have completed the Microsoft Educator learning pathway and been awarded the ME badge.
  3. Go to the Master Microsoft Teams learning path and start learning (
  4. When you have completed the pathway above, complete the 21st CenturyLearning Design pathway (

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