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Make animated games that interact with your face!

Now you can make animated games that interact with your face! Scratch Lab has created some fun blocks that allow you to make interactive games using machine learning.

The Scratch Lab is where the team shares new ideas and where you can try them out. At the moment there are three features for you to try out:

Face sensing – make animated costumes and games that interact with your face. You can make a sprite follow your nose, play a sound when a face is detected and try out drawings of faces and puppets! Face Sensing is a creative and safe introduction to Machine Learning. Learn more about these new blocks in the Scratch blog post.

Animated Text – bring words to life with colours, fonts and animations. Try out the ‘rainbow’ block and different styles of fonts to really bring your creations to life!

New Block Colours – explore new colours that make the blocks easier to read. These new style blocks mean that the blocks are easier to read as the colour contrast is much sharper making them easier to read for people with low vision.

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