“How do I teach AI and machine learning to my class?”

“How do I teach AI and machine learning to my class?” This is a question often asked at the Raspberry Pi Foundation. Now, in collaboration with leading AI company DeepMind, the Raspberry Pi Foundation has produced a learning programme to help you inspire and engage students when teaching about artificial intelligence (AI). These resources aimed at secondary-school teachers and students will give you and your students the opportunity to explore AI and its role in the world now and in the future.

Experience AI Programme

This programme gives you everything you need, including lesson plans, slide decks, worksheets and videos. The lessons are aimed at secondary school students, aged 11-14, and are great to use in the classroom or in coding clubs. Lesson titles include:

  • What is AI?
  • How computers learn
  • Bias in, bias out
  • Decision trees
  • Soling problems with ML (machine learning) models
  • Model cards and careers
  • Coming soon – Experience AI Challenge – music themed AI challenge

To find out more and access the resources visit Experience AI

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