The Digital Services Act (DSA) Explained

In October 2022, the European Commission launched the Digital Services Act (DSA) package. This is a series of rules and regulations for online platform providers aiming to create a safer digital space for all with some rules that are specially designed to protect minors online.

screenshot of the DSA explained booklet
Credit: Publications Office of the European Union

What Does the DSA Do?

They will make sure that all digital services, especially the so-called Very Large Online Platforms (VLOPs) like Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, YouTube and Very Large Online Search Engines (VLOSEs) like Google and Bing, do more to protect users’ rights, keep them safe and stop the spread of illegal or inappropriate content.

User Friendly Booklet

The Better Internet for Kids team has worked closely with DG Connect at the European Commission, to produce a user friendly booklet which summarises in just 8 pages, the main content of the articles of the DSA, specifically the ones that focus on the protection of children and young people online.

The booklet outlines the key measures to protect children and young people online:

  • Online risks for minors
  • Risk assessment and reduction
  • Child-friendly complaints and reporting systems
  • Personal data/privacy
  • Child friendly information
  • No profiling behind adverts for children and young people
  • No dark patterns

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