AI generated human eye with embedded data, representing data science and machine learning

Free AI resources to inspire and engage

Free resources to inspire and engage students when teaching AI are now available from the Raspberry Pi Foundation in partnership with DeepMind. This is a new educational programme and a collaboration with leading AI company DeepMind, it offers some fantastic resources for secondary-school teachers and their students.

Artificial Intelligence and machine learning applications are already a part of our daily lives and it is important that young people understand how AI works so that they will be better equipped to engage and embrace the changes that AI will undoubtedly bring.

The AI applications people are building today are predicted to affect many career paths. In 2020, the World Economic Forum estimated that AI would replace some 85 million jobs by 2025 and create 97 million new ones ( Many of these future jobs will require some knowledge of AI and ML, so it’s important that young people develop a strong understanding from an early age.

World Economic Forum

Outline of the lessons on offer

The lesson packs provide everything you need, including lesson plans, presentations, videos and worksheets.

  • Lesson 1: What is AI?
  • Lesson 2: How computers learn from data
  • Lesson 3: Bias in bias out
  • Lesson 4: Decision trees
  • Lesson 5: Solving problems with ML models
  • Lesson 6: Model cards and careers

The Raspberry Pi Foundation is inviting teachers in the UK to participate in research to help them develop these resources further. You will need to sign up through the website to download the lessons, use them in your classroom and then give some feedback.

Find out more and download the lesson packs at

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