Better Internet for Kids (BIK) teacher corner is a place especially for teachers, educators and other adults who work with children and young people. This is a ‘one-stop shop’ for learning and teaching about digital citizenship and online safety. You will find free information, advice and resources to support you and your students to safely navigate the digital world.
In the BIK Teacher corner, you will find learning modules covering:
- Children’s rights in a digital world
- Key online safety risks
- Teaching online safety in primary and secondary schools
- Working towards a whole-school approach
- Deep-dive articles covering a range of key topics
BIK Teacher corner webinars
As part of their #Back2School campaign, there will be the first in a planned series of webinars to provide an opportunity to explore the BIK Teacher corner in greater depth. The first one will take place on Thursday, 19th October 2023 at 17:00 CEST. Click on the image below to find out more.

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