Do you need a lesson to introduce your students to AI?

Help students explore the current state of AI and how it is being used in the world around them.

What is AI?

This lesson is taken from the Raspberry Pi Foundation’s Experience AI resources. It will help students to explore AI and consider some of the advantages and disadvantages of AI systems.

With this lesson, students will explore:

  • Starter – What is Intelligence
  • Introduction – The ‘Intelligent’ Piece of Paper
  • Activity 1 – What is AI
  • Activity 2 – Generative AI
  • Activity 3 – Computer Vision
  • Plenary Activity – AI or not AI?

Everything you need is included in the pack including links to useful applications. Even if you are not sure yourself about the intricacies of AI, this unit will have you and your students feeling more confident and aware of the potential uses of AI in the world around us.

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